Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Owning "Listen" in Telecom

Why doesn't any Telecom Company try and own the Platform of "Listen" and start building its brand around the idea of "Listen". Every other company encourages us to express ourself , spreading an Idea etc which revolves around the "Talk" proposition. But effective communication is also about the ability to Listen. Like they say "When you listen you have the advantage. But when you talk others have it "

Any Telecom company wants to do it go ahead.... but please give me a royalty for the idea :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lead India

So here is Times of India with its latest Lead India Ad. Is Times of India getting too stereotyped in its advertising ? Is there a tinge of predictability creeping into its advertising. Lead India, Teach India what next ?Sports India ? to discover India's Gold Medal winning talent in the next olympics. lets wait and see

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The best brand manager (s ) in the world

We have surveys and polls on which is the best brand in the country, best brand in the world etc. I often wonder why we don’t have surveys and polls on who is the best brand manager or for that matter Brand Managers. After all there must be somebody managing these brands so effectively that they are voted as the best in their respective categories. Is it an individual responsibility or a collective responsibility? Who is to be credited with the honour? …. Is it the brand manager or the CEO; is it the agency or the client? The debate can rage on
A brand manager is expected to take a brand through its Product Life Cycle (PLC). Right from product development, launch, growth, maturity and decline. At each stage the challenges are enormous and complex. R & D, Budgets, Competition, Brand Extension, the list is endless.
Do we have someone among us to draw inspiration from? Is there a role model for all the young brand managers out there? Well the truth is we need not look beyond our homes. I think the best brand managers available in this world are our parents. And there is a lot we can learn from them than we could in a Brand Management Seminar or a fast track course. But do we have the time? Think about it for a minute. Our parents give birth to us, launch us into this world, take responsibility for our growth, help us mature and probably are with us when we reach a decline. At each stage the brand (we) needs are meticulously taken care of, sometimes the brands are more in the portfolio (brothers and sisters), the needs are different, the benchmarks are different, but they are clearly defined, conflicts handled,a perfect roadmap is laid, segmented effectively and effectively taken through the PLC.
Well I can extend this article and map each function, draw parallels and go on and on. But I would like to keep the article simple and short. In marketing inspiration needs to come from real life and not theory. So the next time if there is a vote for the Best Brand Manager or Managers am sure you know who to cast it for

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For the family,by the family.....

Have anyone of us bothered to sit up and ask the question to the Government of Tamilnadu on what happened to Arasu Cable ? This is a classic example of how we, tax payers are taken for a ride by power hungry politicians. Just because there was a rift in the family the gvoernment launched Kailaigar Tv, and then to make sure its beamed into every household establised Arasu Cable..... But once the family buried the hatchet, SCV became a friend and Arasu Cable became a enemy of the family... what a disgrace, there can be no other example of such self centred decision making at the expense of the tax payer. When will we see through all this... when will we learn to ask, when will we learn to elect a proper government..... Now after spending crores and crores on a Arasu Cable , nobody knows what the status of Arasu cable is.... the last heard was that there are plans to merge it with SCV... what a great idea... I think we should learn Business Models from politicians ....
Sad....... and we will continue to fuel the growth of this kind of people.... and then blame them not realising that they are not the ones to be blamed when actually we are the ones responsible....