The other day I dropped into one of the Vodafone shops to pay my bill. In walks a customer with a genuine complaint. He was getting text messages reminding him on his dues whereas he had made the payment about three days back. Our customer friendly Vodafone executive gives an irritated look and tells him to switch off and on the handset. The puzzled customer again asks her how that is going to change things. She hardly gives him a look, stares into the pc monitor and says they must have sent him a text thanking him for the payment and the customer must have misread it or worse he must have not checked the messages properly. How is that an answer from a company and too in a period when it is running its reintroduction of the PUG in its latest commercials and talking about its wonderful customer service, if at all it exists in the corridors of Vodafone.
It was one hell of a shocker to me. As an advertising person it hit me strongly. When employees themselves are unable to take ownership and live by of what the company is communicating why the hell a common man or a customer should believe or trust you? The latest commercial is cute, brilliant, establishes the connect etc, but when you are unable to live the core idea of excellent customer service then you are really taking the consumer for granted. Your money is down the drain.
Perhaps Vodafone can say is that only Pugs help and not humans. So I guess its high time for Vodafone to hire PUGS as customer service executives
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